Tuesday, July 2

Libur, literally doing nothing

Yep i'm having my last semester vacation without so much pressure. Starting from June 26th.
Nope, i'm wrong. It started long time before and....... i forgot when.
Mulai bulan depan, i'm officially a senior student. Read: gonna work my *** real hard, no more games.
Masa depan gue bergantung di semester ini. Fu. Jadi seharusnya gue manfaatin liburan kali ini dengan kegiatan yang hepi hepi yang bikin gue ngerasa liburan. Instead.....

WEEK 1 *I don't even know when but let's just say this was before my final report*:
-Potato Couch-ing
-Asian movie youtube-ing
-Mondar mandir rumah-sekolah

WEEK 2 *after the report hehe*
-Movies in Cinema, FINALLY. once.
-Bookstore, once. wrong choice. bad book
-Potato Couch-ing. regretting the book. starting sick of it.

-Potato couch-ing again of course. What else can I do??
-Muak sendiri dengan kehidupan liburan ini. It's supposed to be fun right??
-Stalking every single person I know and I don't in every single social media.

So the feeling is coming. Dari hasil nge-stalk ini lah gue kepengen lagi nulis sesuatu di blog.
*Sebenernya pengen bikin video ala Jacksgap gitu tapi....... yasudala*
Tapi gue nulis juga dipengaruhi oleh dua orang temen gue yg regular blogger. Mungkin mereka gatau udah gue stalkin malem ini kekeke, makasih guys lovelove :* salma's talitha's Emang menurut gue mereka gatau sih-__- I didn't even left a comment. Tapi siapa tau aja gitu diem diem mereka hacker super canggih ala masa depan gitu terus bisa nge-trace visitornya satu satu.

Udah gitu, gue ngelanjutin projek photoshop gue yang gue yakin udah gue anggurin lebih dari 1 semester. Yep......... Tetep aja gue ngelanjutinnya cuma nambah satu layer terus move ke atas terus rotate 180°. Voila. Terus gue udahan. Mager karena ga punya tetikus mouse.

Gue juga udah punya rencana buat start a HEALTHY LIFE. I mean I really wanna try jogging early in the morning. But how can I? My plan is ruin due another one which is tonight right here right now, I'm doing it. Blogging. It's now 11.20 pm, and I'm pretty certain that I can't wake at 5 or above. But anyway as there's this thing flashed in my mind. Lately my chest feel............. uhm like you've been carrying weigh on it. Jadi agak khawatir juga sih kalo dibawa olahraga takut tambah kerasa.

Ngomong-ngomong tentang penyakit besok juga gue mau ke rumah sakit di daerah jak-sel buat check-up gitu. Gue emang ngidap sinus udah lama. Kalo lagi kambuh ganggu banget, udah gitu kambuhnya keseringan pas lagi ujian. Mengingat semester depan bakal jadi the mother of test and test and test and test and test and test and test and test and test and test and test and test and test. My loving and caressing mum <3 a="" as="" be="" buat="" common="" dipake="" ehm="" gonna="" i="" ini="" it="" liburan="" m="" medical="" my="" nbsp="" no="" of="" operasi.="" p="" s="" scared="" so="" suggest="" thing.="" thinking="" third="" treatment="">
Just wish me luck & get some rest everybody. Tschüss

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